Create a New User in Ubuntu 22.04 or 20.However, it is important to know what is the purpose of a user account before adding it to the sudo group. In this way, Ubuntu, especially the server user with a root account as their default can switch to new or existing standard users or vice versa.

To logout the current standard user and get back to the root user account, if you require it, simply type exit and press Enter: exit Today Operating Systems can use multiple users with each one having its own set of settings and configuration.

etc/passwd contains one line for each user account, with seven fields delimited by colons (: ). Therefore, those who want their new or existing user account apart from root to be a part of the sudo group, so that they can run the command which requires superuser permissions, see our article – Add user in sudo group on Debian or Ubuntu Linux. Change password on root user and user account. If it is not then you won’t be able to run commands that require root privileges such as the system update command that is – sudo apt update. Your new user may or may not be a part of the sudo group. However, after the switch, if you want to confirm the same then can again use the whoami command. You can get the list using getent and awk ignoring 'nobody' (also a convention): getent passwd awk -F : 3 > 1000 & 3 < 65534. Non-system users need not be listed there. To list all files including their permissions you can use ls -al or to do so recursively ls -alr You can then filter those results with grep to get particular ones (such as ones owned by a username) To find all files that belong to a particular user, use find / -user username. So, you have seen it is quite easy, just a single command and you can start using some other user account to execute the command. System users (should be) those listed in /etc/passwd with UIDs less than 1000. Show users in Linux using less /etc/passwd. There are several ways you can obtain the list of users in Linux.
Also, learn- How to add a new user in Linux with Examples Step 4: Verify the new user Probably, the very first thing to know is how to know what users are in my system.