
City of quincy il
City of quincy il

city of quincy il

The Department also oversees the 3 City-owned landfills. The department conducts site inspections on these permits to ensure that construction work is done to the specifications required by City Ordinance. The department issues Street Opening Permits, Driveway Permits, Right-of-Construction Permits, Revocable Permits and Floodway Permits within the City of Quincy. The Department also fields calls from residents concerning Ameren-owned streetlights that are not functioning properly.

city of quincy il

The Department also repairs and maintains over 600 street lights and 70 parking lot lights throughout the City, as well as, School Zone Flashers at 9 intersections and red or yellow flashing caution lights at 13 other intersections throughout the City.

city of quincy il

The Engineering Department is also responsible for the maintenance of traffic signals and traffic signal equipment at the 58 signalized intersections within the city of Quincy. Through these reviews, evaluations and site inspections, the department ensures that projects are designed and constructed to conform with City Ordinances in regards to drainage and public improvements. The department also reviews and evaluates subdivision and site plans within the city and 1.5 mile area surrounding the city limits. On large scale improvement projects, the department oversees the hiring of private civil engineering consultants for project development and design and manages their performance through the completion of the project. Such improvements include street reconstruction, alley and municipal parking lot improvements, water and sewer main construction, intersection signalization and other special projects. The department is responsible for the administration of public improvements within the city of Quincy.Įngineering Department duties include planning, designing, cost estimation and supervision construction of infrastructure improvements in the city.

city of quincy il

The Engineering Department consists of the City Engineer, 2 Project Engineers, 4 Engineering Technicians and an Administrative Assistant. Local Landmarks and Buildings in Local Historic Districts.Grant Program for Sewer Overflow Improvements.Washington Theater Redevelopment Commission.Quincy Economic Development Loan Committee.Quincy Central Business District Revolving Loan Committee.Quincy Area Convention & Visitor's Bureau.9-1-1 Joint Emergency Telephone System Board (ETSB).The City of Quincy Planning and Development Department - Inspection Office hopes the following permit information will reduce confusion concerning the permit process and save everyone involved in the permit process both time and money. Does the development conform to the City's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance? What permits are required? How long will it take to get the permits? How much do the permits cost? How receptive will the City's officials and the general public be to the project? What public actions may be pending that would affect the proposal? Information is needed in order to test the feasibility of a particular course of action. Because this is the point where an individual decides to commit time and money to a development, specific information on permits and regulations is needed. Most often, the initial contact any resident, developer, or contractor has with the regulatory process occurs when a development is still an idea.


IL Energy Conservation Code (2009 International Energy Conservation Code) Quincy Workforce Relocation Assistance Program.Retail Marketing & Recruitment Initiative.Neighborhood Beautification Committee Report.Come Visit City of Quincy 730 Maine Street Quincy, IL 62301. City Hall 730 Maine Street Quincy, IL 62301 21. Business hours are 8:00AM - 4:00PM, Monday through Friday. Small Rental Rehabilitation Program (SRRP) For information or to schedule tours, call the Quincy Fire Department’s non-emergency number above.Downtown Rental Rehabilitation Program (DRRP).Home Repair and Accessibility Program (HRAP).

City of quincy il